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View Full Version : Is this cpu/mobo combination a good choice?

01-04-2008, 12:38 PM
OK, I found this mobo/cpu combo at TigerDirect. I'm a first time builder, and I want to play the newest games at high settings. I know I want the processor, but I'm not sure about the mobo. For one, it doesn't support SLI. This is only a minor problem, since I'm planning to start with a single 8800GT 512 MB card. I figure by the time I'm ready to upgrade, I probably won't be buying another 8800GT anyway, since something better will be available for less. So at that point, I'll probably either scrap the 8800 for an upgrade, or scrap the whole mobo and upgrade that as well. So aside from no SLI, are there any pitfalls to choosing the mobo in this package deal? (Like is "microATX" bad, or should I avoid mobos made by Intel?)


Jamie Nixx
01-04-2008, 03:17 PM
I posted this in your other thread as well.


The CPU is good, but the motherboard isn't.

Buy them seperately.

CPU = Q6600, $269.99.
Motherboard = Asus P5K-C, $135.99. Supports DDR2 and DDR3 and has the best chipset for gaming.

SLi is a waste of time and money.