View Full Version : Send A Message To Rob
- Antec Sonata III 500 Quiet Super Mid Tower ATX Case (Black) (0 replies)
- Looking to build a gaming PC, First timer, 700$ budget. (0 replies)
- Antec Case alterntives (1 replies)
- Asus Bios Set Up? (5 replies)
- Web site editing? (1 replies)
- Need Recommendations Based on August 22 Recommended Build (5 replies)
- Ide like to know (1 replies)
- SATA II vs SATA (2 replies)
- Upgrade K9N SLI Platinum (0 replies)
- Latest Version/Revision of Rob's Book? (1 replies)
- Profile problems (0 replies)
- Moderator (6 replies)
- Mse? (2 replies)
- 'Forum' and 'What's New' blocks above. (3 replies)
- I am back and have a few questions. (2 replies)
- a couple of questions (1 replies)
- Thanks, Rob - and question (2 replies)
- message to rob (1 replies)
- MySuperPC build instruction ERROR in heatsink + fan page (0 replies)
- Amazon motherboard spec error? (0 replies)
- Rob's current build rec 4-17-11. What is the Window Experience IndeX (0 replies)
- Question About Book (0 replies)
- Thank you Rob (1 replies)
- BIOS/ Chipset Driver Updates and a strange problem... (13 replies)
- Issue with buying book online (1 replies)
- Ready to build?? (1 replies)
- Forums Slow (10 replies)
- Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Sound Card (1 replies)
- Case for SuperPC (2 replies)
- configuration issue (0 replies)
- selling components to upgrade (1 replies)
- Rob's book (1 replies)
- Bought your book questions (4 replies)
- to rob (4 replies)
- old goat needs help (0 replies)
- What have I done? (2 replies)
- help with tv tuner and vidio cards (0 replies)
- stupid old 91 year guy needs help (1 replies)
- Recomendations on best gigabyte motherboard to build two computers alike! (1 replies)
- AmEx Blue still offering product returns? (0 replies)
- Samsung 22x Sata Burner doesn't work. (3 replies)
- Current build? (2 replies)
- Audio Port connection, assembly (0 replies)
- XP not seeing 1TB files (0 replies)
- banned (4 replies)
- ROB, Please help with these needs? (3 replies)
- Views but no ewpky (3 replies)
- Your book in .pdf or MS Reader format (3 replies)
- Memtest 86+ (3 replies)
- What happened? (5 replies)
- e8400 (2 replies)
- sata burners (1 replies)
- WD SATA HDD not reconized in bios (8 replies)
- General Forum Performance (55 replies)
- Amd/INTEL? (2 replies)
- i cant change my site generated pw. (1 replies)
- Bios Settings for X48-DS4 with WD6400AAks (2 replies)
- permission request (3 replies)
- Rob, Confusion!! (6 replies)
- I did it! Im a posting guru (3 replies)
- Need information (1 replies)
- Glitch (2 replies)
- Thanks for the book (1 replies)
- New option in post moderation (8 replies)
- ASUS M2N32-SLI deactivated item (0 replies)
- Bob (1 replies)
- Hey, I'm new here! (0 replies)
- Hack attack!! or ID Theft possibility!! (0 replies)
- For Sale: Desktop Built using this site (1 replies)
- you're doing it wrong (3 replies)
- which one (6 replies)
- Re-use old harddrive in new pc -WITH OS (9 replies)
- Admin approval for new users (11 replies)
- My computer (3 replies)
- Power Supply 180w Mico ATX (1 replies)
- Archived Super PCs? (2 replies)
- Creating my own PC website (UK) (0 replies)
- MySuperPC Complete! (2 replies)
- great site; pity about the book (0 replies)
- Asus M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless BIOS question. (0 replies)
- Motherboard and CPU returned (1 replies)
- Hey mate can u please have a look (1 replies)
- Artic Silver 5 install instructions, confusion. (2 replies)
- dvd as master IDE (5 replies)
- Some newbie ideas (7 replies)
- Notebook won't boot up (2 replies)
- Trying to get a copy of your book (1 replies)
- Mod powers? (14 replies)
- Media Center PC (1 replies)
- new build (1 replies)
- Rob: Amazon website and "Norton Go Back" (1 replies)
- CMOS error (1 replies)
- Slight crackle when installing CPU cooling fan (19 replies)
- Assembly Help Greatly Needed (1 replies)
- Rob: Is Arctic Silver 5 ok. (3 replies)
- How Can I Find My Last Message>>>? (2 replies)
- Updated instructions (1 replies)
- Feedback (2 replies)
- Cooling-air or liquid? (1 replies)
- When is the book comming? (1 replies)
- Advertising... (10 replies)
- First build, several simple questions (1 replies)
- In reference to Motherboards in book. (1 replies)
- Evga 8800 GTS videocard (3 replies)
- Your printed book (1 replies)
- Quick Question (1 replies)
- Hi rob (1 replies)
- Questions on your book and your "update" dates. (1 replies)
- Trying to buy your book, failed (2 replies)
- Just Registered on your Forum (1 replies)
- American blue express card (5 replies)
- Mysuperpcbook arrived Review inside (2 replies)
- Start up website help. (2 replies)
- Operating system (0 replies)
- To super rob (3 replies)
- Question for Rob (3 replies)
- Rob, Your opinion on apple computers (1 replies)
- Computer Shutting Down (3 replies)
- crucial ballistix price (2 replies)
- new to this (0 replies)
- SLI review (8 replies)
- ? about super pc book (1 replies)
- Advertising (1 replies)
- New Section (2 replies)
- Updating the Instruction Book (1 replies)
- Brosne posts. (10 replies)
- Sweet spot parts read and reply please (4 replies)
- Vacation (4 replies)
- Which MainBoard (3 replies)
- Rob's new build using AMD 5200 X2 (1 replies)
- Lost (3 replies)
- Upgrading a Dell Deminsion 4700 cpu cooling (8 replies)
- Hard drive help (1 replies)
- Can I get some help/check plz (3 replies)
- Laptop Recommendations needed (1 replies)
- Hey Rob (1 replies)
- Rob: (1 replies)
- Price drop AND rebate on Sonata II (1 replies)
- Price drop (2 replies)
- No mention of SCSI in PC build guide? (14 replies)
- Will these work? (2 replies)
- UK prices /companies which delived internationally (5 replies)
- Private messaging? (2 replies)
- The Future of MySuperPC (1 replies)
- Memory (1 replies)
- GoBack (1 replies)
- When exactly are you usually on Rob? (1 replies)
- Please check out equipment (1 replies)
- Pc Problem (3 replies)
- Not sure if it fits (4 replies)
- Greetings (4 replies)
- Hello (1 replies)
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