View Full Version : I'm A My Super PC Graduate!
- Just built 2 nearly identical systems - USB conflicts on one machine (9 replies)
- First build up and running (2 replies)
- Second build completed (3 replies)
- Harry, I've reached the top!! (1 replies)
- Super PC Graduate! Thank you! (1 replies)
- I have built my first PC! Thanks MySuperPC for making this possible! (3 replies)
- First build up and running - couldn't have done it without! (1 replies)
- Many thanks, check in the mail (0 replies)
- Many Thanks (1 replies)
- Add another to the list (1 replies)
- I've built a super pc! (5 replies)
- Another Super Computer Success Story (1 replies)
- MS Flight Simulator (1 replies)
- This is so much fun (1 replies)
- Mission accomplished (1 replies)
- First Attempt, First Success. (1 replies)
- Supercom was born today! (1 replies)
- Another Success Story (4 replies)
- First Build Finished (2 replies)
- Thanks for providing this how-to! (1 replies)
- 5 beauties, all complete!! (5 replies)
- Ahh SUCCESS! (2 replies)
- Its alive... its alive! (3 replies)
- Thanks! (5 replies)
- i cant believe it (4 replies)
- First Time builder, it all started with (6 replies)
- thank you sooo much (0 replies)
- First build little hiccup but complete! (3 replies)
- I can't believe it actually works! (3 replies)
- My first build is finished...for now (2 replies)
- My first build /Success (4 replies)
- Caveate $$$ (2 replies)
- Complete and Total Success! Yeah! (8 replies)
- Success!!! (5 replies)
- Finished my PC - thanks RickyTick & MySuperPC! (3 replies)
- Just completed build (2 replies)
- I did it like in October, but too long of post. (2 replies)
- Sign me up!!!!! (long post) (1 replies)
- Add me to the list of graduates (6 replies)
- Just something I put together... (0 replies)
- Many belated thanks to Rob & crew (2 replies)
- Finally Did It (2 replies)
- Much thanks guys! SFF Build (2 replies)
- Proud of my first build (2 replies)
- second build (3 replies)
- My first computer-finished and working! (7 replies)
- Yay yayayayayayay (4 replies)
- Thanks Everybody (2 replies)
- Thank You SuperPC (8 replies)
- Thank you guys (2 replies)
- Accomplishment on my list! (5 replies)
- My new build. (2 replies)
- Thanks guys (1 replies)
- New Computer Build (5 replies)
- Success ! (4 replies)
- New Grad (3 replies)
- Ecstatic! (1 replies)
- Much easier then I thought (2 replies)
- First build Fired up! (4 replies)
- It's a start!! YAY!!! (3 replies)
- The new PC (3 replies)
- Excellent Computer (2 replies)
- The shyster has set up shop (11 replies)
- Quad Core running on all 4 cylinders!!! (5 replies)
- work in progress (1 replies)
- Min's New works! (7 replies)
- Craziness (5 replies)
- I'll make it official. (4 replies)
- Computer Like Bruce Lee, lol (7 replies)
- Got It Going (3 replies)
- Thank the Lord! (5 replies)
- Finally! (6 replies)
- Very nice computer (3 replies)
- Thanks for the help (1 replies)
- Oh Yea!!! (2 replies)
- Thanks (3 replies)
- WoooHooo (4 replies)
- Thank you, Thank you! (1 replies)
- Thanks! (3 replies)
- Yay!! (0 replies)
- Wow (3 replies)
- Eureka! (0 replies)
- I did it! (4 replies)
- Yes Yes Yes (6 replies)
- Guess what I did! (2 replies)
- Thanks for everyone's help. (5 replies)
- By Golly, I did it! (2 replies)
- I Graduated: Sucess! (2 replies)
- Finished MySuperPC....after fire & smoke (1 replies)
- Finally Finished Computer :) (2 replies)
- Success At Last!!!! (1st Time Build) (3 replies)
- Success! (1 replies)
- Got it done! (0 replies)
- I've been here how long and not finished a comp yet? (4 replies)
- I did it (5 replies)
- Couldn't of done it without you. (3 replies)
- Rob, Much thanks.. (3 replies)
- Gaming Rig-My First Build (3 replies)
- Woo! Second PC! (0 replies)
- I did it!!! (0 replies)
- I did it!... with a little help from my friends, and a lot from ROB! (2 replies)
- New Grad! (1 replies)
- I graduated (0 replies)
- New Grad (0 replies)
- Completed Build (0 replies)
- New graduate (0 replies)
- Super PC Grad (0 replies)
- Sean's First PC- $1000 Budget (2 replies)
- Graduation Party! (2 replies)
- I am a My Super PC Graduate (4 replies)
- Graduates At Forum Start Up (1 replies)
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